Ian Snook and his colleague Bill van Megen were the first researchers at RMIT to receive funding from the then-named Australian Research Grants Council in the mid-1970’s. Following that, he was successful in gaining 12 more ARC Discovery Grants.
- ARGC Grant No.75/15698 I. K. Snook and W. van Megen, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Solid-Liquid Interface", 1976, 1977, 1978.
- ARGC Grant No. 878/15168 I. K. Snook and W. van Megen, "Interaction and Dynamical Properties of Submacroscopic Particles", 1979, 1980, 1981.
- ARGC Grant No. C 81154761 I. K. Snook, W. van Megen, W. Comper (Monash University) and B. Preston (Monash University), "Photon Correlation Spectroscopy of Multicomponent Systems in Non-Equilibrium States", 1982,1983,1984.
- ARGS Grant No. C.8515280 I I. K. Snook, W. van Megen and D. Napper (Sydney University), "Preparation and Dynamic Light Scattering Studies of Concentrated Charge Stabilized Suspensions", 1985, 1986, 1987.
- ARC Research Grant No. A 68715878 I. K. Snook, W. van Megen and E.R. Smith (La Trobe University), "Stochastic Simulation of Superdense Colloids", 1988, 1989, 1990.
- ARC Grant No. A69131617I. K. Snook and E.R. Smith (La Trobe University), “ Parallel and Serial Computations of Brownian Scale Motion by Molecular Methods”,1992, 1993,1994.
- ARC Grant No. A69331255, I. K. Snook.“Computer Simulation of the Growth and Structure of Adsorbed Films on Heterogeneous Surfaces”, 1994, 1995, 1996.
- ARC Grant No. A69803398 with P. Daivis, “Computational Study of the approach to the Brownian, limit in shearing binary systems”,1998, 1999, 2000.
- ARC Discovery Grant No. DP0450435, I.K. Snook and S. Russo, "The Role of Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Self-Assembly of Metallic Nanocrystals", 2004, 2005, 2006
- ARC Discovery Grant DP0556439, I.K. Snook and S. Russo, "Accurate Quantum Modelling of van der Waals interaction and its Application to Molecular Physisorption onto Surfaces", 2005, 2006, 2007.
- ARC Discovery Grant DP0770543, I. K. Snook and S. Russo, "Understanding and Controlling the Processes Underlying Self Assembly of Nanostructures on Surfaces", 2007, 2008, 2009
- ARC Discovery Project Grant DP110101362 I. K. Snook and A. S. Barnard (CSIRO), “A theoretical hierarchy to investigate the electronic behaviour of graphene nanostructures under realistic conditions”, 2011, 2012, 2013
- ARC Discovery Project Grant DP120102976 I. K. Snook, P. Daivis (RMIT), B. Todd (Swinburne) and K. Koynov (Max Planck, Mainz),“Accurate transport theory for nanofluidic separation science”, 2012, 2013, 2014